AIOGT Diploma programs are available as self-study or classroom through an authorized AIOGT Provider.
EHS Manager for Engineers
AIOGT newest program specifically designed for Engineers was developed by Dr. Estes, who has over 30 years experience in the EHS Industry both Petroleum and Construction and shares many of his experiences with you as you proceed through each module.
EHS Manager Modules
EHS Fundamentals
Occupational Safety
Occupational Health
Management and Leadership
Human Behavior
Oil & Gas Safe Worker
I - Fundamentals of EHS
1-Importance of EHS in the Workplace
2- EHS Terminology
3- Company’s EHS Responsibilities
4-Hazard Recognition and Control Measures
5-Fire Prevention & Protection
6-Life Safety
7-EHS Audits and Inspections
8-EHS Education and Training
9-Accident Investigation
10-Documenting EHS
II - Occupational Safety
12-Hand and Portable Power Tools
13-Machine Safeguarding
14-Material Handling
15-Compressed Gas Cylinders
16-Office Safety
17-Vehicular Safety
18-Confined Spaces
19-Hot Work
21-Elevated Working Platforms
III - Occupational Health
22-Air Contaminants
23-Chemical Hazards
24-Biological Hazards
25-Physical Hazards
27-Industrial Toxicology
28-Substance Abuse Awareness
IV - Environmental
29-Environmental Management
30-Evaluating Environmental Hazards
31-Environmental Hazard Controls
32-Toxic Awareness
33-Hazardous Materials and Waste
34-Global Environmental Issues
V – Management
35-Management Skills
36- Leadership
VI - Workplace Human Behavior
37-Personality Types
39-Behavioral Safety
41-Adult Learner
42-Statistical Data
44-General Industry
VIII – Oil & Gas Safe Worker
46-Oil & Gas Upstream Operations
47-Hydrogen Sulfide
48-Liquefied Natural Gas
49-Offshore Rig Environment
Petroleum Technology
This program is designed for individuals that want a career in the Oil & Gas Industry.
1-Petroleum Fundamentals 5-Upstream Operations 9-EHS Issues
2-Petroleum Chemistry 6-Midstream Operations 10-Leadership
3-Petroleum Geology 7-Downstream Operations
4-Fluid Dynamics 8-Natural Gas
Petroleum Instrumentation
Instrumentation is a person who installs and maintains process monitoring and control instruments required for the automation of industrial processes. The instruments in the petroleum environment include indicators, recorders, controllers transmitters and final control elements using electrical, electronic, pneumatic and hydraulic energy forms.
1-Introduction and Review
2-Basic Electrical Components
3-AC Electricity
8-Heat and Temperature
9-Humidity, Density, Viscosity, and pH
10-Other Sensors
11-Actuators and Control
12-Signal Conditioning
13-Signal Transmission
14-Process Control
15-Documentation / Symbols
This program benefits participants in developing, organizing, and delivering effective training and to evaluate the success of the training. Learn how to apply different training methods for engaging participants, how to provide training materials in a structured, clearly written manner, how to deliver an interactive presentation and how to apply the knowledge based on educational research to achieve prescribed training goals.

1-Adult Learner
2-Develop a Training Program
3-Training Needs Analysis
4-Steps for Planning Training
5-Course Design
6-Presentation and Facilitation Skills
7-Managing Common Difficulties
8-Planning for Training Evaluation
9-Impact of Values and Attitudes on Training